The lack of updates I reported this week was of no coincidence. They sucked. Hard. Take a look at Wednesday's update; they might as well called it, "You have to win." Thanks for the heads up! Thursday's wasn't an update either since it gave players a look at characters Kirby and Pikachu, SSB veterans from the past two games. Sweet! It wasn't until yesterday that players got something they could ponder on, if only ponder. In other words, it was the only "new" information that lived up the dictionary definition of "update": giving fans information that really is up to date.
Four kinds of control! So, no matter what type of control scheme a Wii gamer prefers or has invested in, it will work in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Sideways Wii-mote? Check. Wii-mote + Nunchuk? Check. Classic Controller? Check. GameCube controller? Check.

However, like most SSB experts, Brawl director Masahiro Sakurai prefers the good ol' GC pad.
"I suppose I would recommend the Nintendo GameCube controller, though. I like the feel of that powerful rumble.
Still, try out the other controls—they definitely give you a fresh experience."
Unfortunately, like all past updates, they must end in a miserable, tortuous cliffhanger:
"How do you do smashes and dashes with just the Wii Remote?
If I get the chance to tell you, I will."
Monday fine?
Source [Smash Bros. DOJO!!]
Past updates after the jump.
Past Updates:
Yoshi's Story Ending (Music)
Delfino Plaza
Cracker Launcher
Moving and Shooting
The Final Smash
Pit's Special Movies
May 22nd - May 25th