I was never much of a (huge? GINORMOUS?) fan of the SSB series, but these daily updates are certainly getting me excited for Brawl. Take for instance yesterday's update. Though it was the simplest of the updates thus far, it was enough information for me to see how Brawl's gameplay is gonna get purty intense.
Today's update is a new weapon/gun/thing that does in fact use the running and jumping mechanic inferred above.

"After you grab [the cracker launcher], it’ll rapidly release blast after blast of firecrackers that explode gaudily...
You can walk around and jump while holding the launcher.
You can also aim the launcher at different angles by tilting the Control Stick up or down."
Some Pics:

Source [Smash Bros. DOJO!!]
Past updates after the jump.
Past Updates:
Moving and Shooting
The Final Smash
Pit's Special Movies
May 22nd - May 25th