It's an all Pokemon update today. Brawl director Masihiro Sakurai briefly describes the function of Pokeballs (like we don't already know) and goes on to unveil the addition of Groudon to the Smash Bros. pokemon-inside-a-ball family.

"[Groudon] is the Pokémon that appeared on the packaging for Pokémon Ruby. Its bright red body is quite striking... [Its body is] always hot to the touch.
It won’t harm the player who called it, though, so use that to your advantage."
Mild, but a good update for any Smash Bros. newbies.
Source [Smash Bros. DOJO!!]
Past updates after the jump.
Past Updates:
Yoshi's Story Ending (Music)
Delfino Plaza
Cracker Launcher
Moving and Shooting
The Final Smash
Pit's Special Movies
May 22nd - May 25th