Phooey. No one liked our awesome Video Roundup banner? You guys should be ashamed of yourselves; pick up an Idiot's Guide to Art or something. Banner replacement is just one of many changes made to our daily video section and it only took a week to develop! The second thing you'll notice is that I'm a liar. Remember this quote? "Plan to see YouTube videos only." Lies. Because starting today, our sights are expanding, gathering videos from all across the web. Unfortunately, some sites (*cough*GameVideos*cough*) don't have (working) embeddable flicks, so you'll have to work hard in clicking those directing links to watch some cool moving pictures.

Video of the Day:
Up until today, I was completely unaware Nintendo was holding some sort of Uwe Boll-esque contest. Indie filmmakers create 5 minutes of game-related/entertaining footage in the hopes of being noticed for their directorial skills in New York City. Based on the quality of this film, these guys could even make Super Mario Bros. not suck ass.
More great videos after the jump!
Castlevania: Dracula X Beginning Trailer
Kenny Mii

This is Living
Hellgate: London Footage

1UP Show BioShock Special

Brok3n Pix3ls Episode 9