A lot, a lot, a lot, a lot of videos today, folks. You should probably devote the next weekend just for this selection. From Guitar Hero, to The Darkness, to Soul Calibur, to StarCraft, summer droughts are meant for big-name speculation as gamers prepare for the upcoming holiday season. Look at today as a prime example. This is only the beginning.

Video of the Day:
This is a great video for one reason: the quality difference shown between the classic Prince of Persias and the new, updated version for XBox Live Arcade is displayed beautifully well. Those GameTrailers guys are pretty brilliant, thinking of demonstrating each game on one playing field. I've seen videos that do similar things so poorly that there really isn't any point to the video at all. Or maybe... the difference between the classic and the updated versions of Prince of Persia are just so radically different that it automatically needs worth mentioning. Any way you see it, you have to admit, Prince of Persia Classic (the new version) looks pretty damn good.
Video Roundup: June 11, 2007
More great videos after the jump!
Guitar Hero Encore: 80s Edition - What I Like About You
The Warrior
Only a Lad
We Got the Beat
The Darkness PS3 Trailer
SoulCalibur IV Teaser
StarCraft II Leaked Footage
Wii Photo Channel Fun
Posted for pure lunacy. Watch at your own caution.
Skate Trailer
Raving Rabbids 2

Big Brain Academy Wii Degree - Visualize
More: Identify