1up and EGM have the inside scoop on Namco's upcoming installations in the Soul Calibur franchise: Soul Calibur IV (video proof) and Soul Calibur Legends.
SC IV is the fourth iteration in the 3D fighting series, featuring fan favorites Ivy, Mitsurugi, and Nightmare. 360 and PS3 fans should expect this title sometime in 2008.
On the other end of the console spectrum, we have Soul Calibur Legends for the Nintendo Wii.

Just like many characteristics about Wii, Legends will have its own distinct flavor; gamers will play through an SC themed world outside the limitations of the conventional fighting norm. In other words, it's an adventure game. Since Legends was originally announced a little over a month ago, fans have been left salivating for new information. Here's what we now know.
Story takes place between Edge and Calibur. As we already know, Siegfried changes into Nightmare from SC1 to SC2, so the story in Legends will fill in the gap as to what happened Selectable players will be limited at the beginning, but as players progress, they'll unlock more
Battles come in chunks of 5 minutes to 10-20 minutesEach character learns new moves as they level up and are encouraging players become skilled in one specific player Not all SC characters will be playable Co-op play is still in the works, though likely split-screen. Controls will be nunchuk + wiimote. Wiimote primarily for attacking, nunchuk for movement, buttons for as parrying and dodging
Source [1up on SC IV]
Source [1up on SCL]
Check out the SC IV Teaser after the jump.