Friday, June 1, 2007

Video Roundup: June 1, 2007

Quick clarification: Plan to see YouTube videos only. But I don't want anybody to worry about anything being left out; I'll make sure all the best videos make it to this page each day in some way or another. Why YouTube? Well, YouTube = limited technical issues. No one can argue with that. And also, I like it when all videos are the same size. Uniformity kicks ass.

Video of the Day:

Higher Quality

Resident Evil 4 on GameCube or Resident Evil 4 on PC? What looks better??? Based on the quality of this video, I'd say the PC version looks a bit better. But you wouldn't really know it from this shitty YouTube embedding (I love YT). Click the above link to GameTrailers and come back when you have a definitive answer.

Video Roundup: May 31, 2007

More great videos after the jump.

How to Make a Zoidberg Mii

Modded Wii-Mote

New Manhunt 2 Trailer

The Darkness - Black Hole Trailer